Legions Players

Legions Players on Twitter!

Posted by Alex in General on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 00:27 UTC

For those of you interested in Twitter, you'll probably be pleased to know that we've now setup a Legions Players account, available at twitter.com/LegionsPlayers.

Never heard of Twitter before?  It's a micro-blogging site which allows you to post status updates and various other little bits of information about yourself, however it's all limited to 140 characters!  There are plenty of clients for different operating systems and mobile phones - chances are you should be able to stay updated with everyone else.

A few other interesting Twitter accounts related to Legions include PlayLegions, InstantAction and GarageGames, you might want to follow them too!

Any news postings will be sent to Twitter, as well as other little news bursts such as match results, interesting forum threads, and any other little bits of information we think might be useful but not be quite worthy of a full news post on the site.  So don't forget to follow us at twitter.com/LegionsPlayers!